What exactly is earwax? How does impacted earwax affect you?

The body produces earwax, also known as cerumen, to protect the ears. While your ear skin grows from the inside out, chewing usually moves old earwax along the ear canal. It flakes off when it reaches the outer ear. The outer part of the ear canal produces earwax. Earwax is composed of dead skin cells, hair, and secretions from two glands. When earwax has built up in the ear canal to the point where there are signs that something isn’t quite right, we call it “impacted.” Ears have the ability to self-clean. When people try to clean their ears with cotton swabs or bobby pins, earwax buildup and obstruction are common. Pushing earwax deeper into the ear canals only causes ear damage. More details can be found at https://deesideearcare.co.uk/earwax-guide/. Well, let’s take a look at some strange colors of ear wax which is not a lot common among the population. But make sure that some of these color may occur due to an infection.

Strange Colors in Ear Wax

Ear wax

One of the most noticeable anomalies you may see in your earwax is an unnatural colour, such as:

If your earwax has gone black or dark brown, keep cool. Despite the fact that it may seem scary, this typically just implies that your earwax has been sitting in the ear for a little bit longer than usual. As a result, earwax may oxidise and turn dark brown or black. This needs to be taken care of at our ear wax removal facility in Aberdeen. A surplus of dead skin cells may be present in your ears if, on the other hand, your earwax is white or light grey in colour. This appears to be common among eczema patients. Infection is the most common cause of green earwax, but there are other possibilities. So, if you notice that your earwax is turning green, consult your doctor. There has most likely been some minor ear bleeding if you notice reddish earwax or earwax with crimson streaks running through it.